About us

High-quality products, engineered in Germany.
Our goal is es to develop innovative electronic mobility solutions with pioneering technology. The slogan "Engineered in Germany" stands for our promise of the highest quality and precision. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology and strict quality standards, we guarantee the long-lasting enjoyment and reliability of our products.

We want to build user-friendly, electric sports equipment that is simple and intuitive to use.
Our focus is designed to develop simple and clear electrical products with an appealing design. We place great emphasis on making our products smart and intuitive to use.

We want to enrich people's lives.
An open and personal exchange with our customers and business partners is very important to us. The familiar contact with the majority of regional suppliers characterize our actions as a young entrepreneur in the industry.

Get in touch with JayKay now
Heidachstraße 70/2
88079 Kressbronn (D)